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Since only a few companies have registered so far, the large domestic and foreign digital platforms will have to pay…
Even wealthy Luxembourg is suffering from inflation, so to remedy the situation, Luxembourg is cutting almost all VAT rates. The…
Germany approves the trade agreement between the European Union and Canada.
As of 1 January 2023, the presentation notification must always be submitted electronically via the ATLAS-SumA IT procedure.
The global economy will be as weak next year as it was in 2009 after the financial crisis, as the…
A communication from the Bulgarian tax authorities indicates that the threshold for VAT registration will be raised to BGN 100,000…
The zero VAT rate for staple foods will continue in the first half of 2023 as inflation reaches almost 18%.
ESET survey: Online shopping continues to boom, and at the same time consumers' need for security is growing.
In its ruling of 17 May 2022, the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) dismissed the appeal against an application for…
The Spanish tax administration updated some forms relevant to VAT on 18.11.2022. The changes will come into force from January…
Shopping Report 2022 by eBay Ads and Civey: Almost two-thirds of Germans significantly restrict spending.
93 billion euro VAT gap in EU – tax authorities nevertheless record more revenue than expected