VIES: VAT Validation in Europe

Your one-stop guide to using VIES, the EU’s VAT Information Exchange System.

EU cross-border trade can feel like a labyrinth of VAT regulations – varying rates and reverse-charge mechanisms add to the ever-evolving rules. While using the EU’s VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) to validate VAT numbers of your trading partners isn’t mandatory in all cases, it’s a highly recommended practice for smooth and compliant transactions.

Understanding VIES

The VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) allows businesses to quickly validate the VAT numbers of their trading partners within the EU. The European Commission maintains a web application to access VIES, which forwards queries to national VAT databases for real-time validation. This helps businesses apply the correct VAT rates, reducing the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties. VIES promotes transparency and fair trade among EU member states by facilitating cooperation between national tax authorities.

Core Function

The cornerstone of VIES is its ability to validate VAT (Value-Added Tax) numbers of businesses registered within the European Union. This rapid validation process allows businesses to confirm the existence of a valid VAT number for their trading partners. This helps ensure they apply the correct VAT treatment and significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent activity. It’s important to note that VIES validation alone doesn’t guarantee a business’s legitimacy; further due diligence might be necessary in some cases.

Data Source

VIES acts as an intermediary, streamlining the business process by providing a single point of access to query VAT numbers across individual EU member state VAT registries. This eliminates the need to consult each national database separately, enhancing efficiency and reducing administrative burdens for businesses.


VIES is a freely accessible online platform provided by the European Commission. Its user-friendly interface enables quick searches and immediate verification results.

Understanding the Limitations of VIES

While VIES is an invaluable tool for VAT compliance in the EU, it’s important to be aware of its limitations to ensure you’re using it effectively:

No Guarantee of Business Legitimacy

VIES validates the existence of a VAT number, but it doesn’t guarantee that a business is legitimate or operating in good faith. Unfortunately, fraudulent businesses can sometimes still obtain VAT registration to exploit the system, for example, by disappearing after claiming VAT refunds. It’s important to remember that VIES doesn’t check other aspects of a business that might signal fraudulent activity, such as an inactive business address.

Real-time, But Not Always Accurate

VIES relies on updates from individual EU member states. There can occasionally be delays between changes in a business’s VAT status (e.g., registration, deregistration) and their reflection in VIES. It’s important to understand that this delay comes from how national VAT registries update the system, not a fault of VIES itself. This means a VAT number that appears valid at a given moment could be outdated in reality.

Scope of Validation

VIES primarily focuses on VAT number validation. It doesn’t address all the complexities of cross-border VAT compliance, such as determining the correct VAT rate in every situation. For guidance on VAT rates and other compliance regulations, please have a look at the EU VAT guide.

Potential Complexity

For users unfamiliar with VAT regulations, navigating VIES and interpreting the results can initially feel challenging. The level of difficulty will depend on the complexity of your VAT scenarios.

Your VIES Action Plan

Step 1: Understanding VAT Number Formats

Each EU country has a unique VAT number structure. Understanding these formats is important for accurate validation. The European Commission’s website has a list of VAT number structures by country.

Step 2: Mastering the VIES Web Tool

The VIES website is straightforward, but taking a few minutes to explore its layout will make your searches more efficient.

Step 3: Integration Strategies

If you manage a large volume of transactions, consider integrating VIES with your existing systems. This could automate VAT checks and reduce manual work. Potential integration options include using VIES APIs or plugins for your accounting software.

Bulk Validations: Easily validate large lists of VAT numbers simultaneously, saving time for high-volume businesses. The VIES website typically offers tools to upload files for bulk validation (e.g., in CSV or Excel format).

API Integration: Developers can leverage the VIES API for advanced automation and custom compliance solutions. For API details, consult the VIES technical documentation.

Proactive Monitoring & Record-keeping: Regularly run VIES checks on your existing client list to catch any changes in their VAT status. Maintaining thorough records of your VIES searches and results is essential for demonstrating due diligence in tax audits. Since VAT registrations can change over time, periodic re-checks ensure ongoing compliance.


CheckVAT ID provides audit-proof, platform-independent validation of the VAT IDs of your B2B trading partners. Start now.


    1. Product


    2. Personal


    3. Company


    4. Notes

    FAQ and Resources

    Q: What is the difference between an intra-Community supply and a domestic supply?

    A: An intra-Community supply means goods are sold and transported between two EU member states (e.g., a German company selling to a French company). These are crucial for VIES validation. Domestic supplies involve transactions entirely within one country (e.g., a German company selling to another German company). Domestic sales might have different VAT rules.

    Q: How frequently should I validate VAT numbers with VIES?

    A: Validate the VAT numbers of all new trading partners immediately. Beyond that, the ideal frequency depends on your business volume and the level of risk associated with your transactions. Regular proactive checks (monthly or quarterly) help you catch any changes in your existing partners’ VAT statuses.

    Q: Can I use VIES to validate my own VAT number?

    A: Yes, and you absolutely should! Periodically check your own VAT number on VIES to ensure your registration is active, and your information is up-to-date.

    Q: Does VIES have limitations for comprehensive VAT compliance?

    A: VIES is a fantastic starting point, but it’s essential to remember it mainly serves VAT number validation. While this is crucial, it doesn’t guarantee a business’s overall legitimacy. For complex scenarios like determining the correct VAT rate on a specific product or service sold across borders, it’s always wisest to consult a tax advisor or your relevant national tax authority.