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Indirect Tax Insights: The VAT e-commerce package from 01 July, 2021

15. June 2021
10.30 h - 11.30 h

From July 1, 2021, the rules of the VAT e-commerce package will apply. These are the biggest VAT changes in Europe for more than 10 years. All companies involved in cross-border e-commerce that supply directly to end customers will be affected.

Be well prepared and let our experts bring you up to date on the current status of the regulations as well as technical procedures for using the one-stop procedure in its different variations.

Join the Deloitte and eClear webcast and learn more about the VAT e-commerce package starting July 1, 2021:

  • All changes at a glance
  • Recommendations for action
  • Tax technology solutions by eClear

Register here!


Annett Schaberich
Annett Schaberich ist Vice President Tax Compliance und Product Owner für VATRules bei der eClear AG. Sie studierte Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre an der technischen Universität Chemnitz und legte im Jahr 2009 das Steuerberaterexamen ab. Vor ihrem Wechsel zu eClear war Annett Schaberich über zehn Jahre bei KPMG tätig, zuletzt als Senior Manager Indirect Tax Services. Bis 2021 war sie Dozentin für Verfahrensrecht und Umsatzsteuer an der HTW Berlin.