E-Commerce, Newsroom | 23. January 2023

The usage of ChatGPT in e-commerce

It's on everyone's lips, all the rage, so to speak, and not just among tech-savvy nerds or so-called early adopters. No, this technology is opening a new chapter for society: ChatGPT from the American start-up Open AI. by

The fact that AI (artificial intelligence) will have a lasting influence on our lives in the future is shown by the fuss about ChatGPT after an American start-up made it freely available to the public: Over a million users in five days have signed up for ChatGPT and are using the programme, in some cases excessively. At least, this is the conclusion the busy server drew; the message “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” must therefore be accepted willy-nilly – too many users are using ChatGPT simultaneously.

OpenAI develops advanced speech AI with support from Elon Musk and Microsoft

OpenAI developed the speech AI. Among OpenAI’s central investors are Twitter and Tesla boss Elon Musk, the company’s co-founder, and Microsoft. OpenAI already developed the GPT3 language model a few years ago. The abbreviation GPT stands for “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”. According to the company, GPT-3 already uses over 175 billion parameters to recognise and form sentences and word groups. That is significantly more than other language models provided by Microsoft and Co.

Artificial intelligence: the undiscovered potential of OpenAI and Co.

Computer systems that can conduct everyday dialogues with humans are only the forerunners of a gigantic wave of artificial intelligence applications. This is the prediction of software expert Edward Lenssen, CEO of the Dutch software company Beech IT. The US start-up OpenAI had made its chatbot ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) freely available over the internet, causing a fuss. “This is just the tip of the iceberg,” says Edward Lenssen, “the greatest potential of AI applications is still hidden – but certainly not for much longer.” Competitor and rival Google has also been tinkering for some time with its AI project called LaMDA, which caused an international stir in July 2022 after one of its co-developers claimed that LaMDA had developed its consciousness – the nightmare of humanity par excellence and a frequently feared scenario, not least because of several science fiction films that took up this dystopian theme.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: Changes in the economy through disruptive business models

In a recent expert survey, the software development company Beech IT found that 85 of 100 professionals are convinced that using “Big Data” will lead to innovative and lucrative business models. According to 47 per cent of the respondents, these disruptive business models will change entire sectors of the economy. Edward Lenssen, a software expert at Beech IT, advises: “Anyone with responsibility in business should be aware of the potential impact of artificial intelligence on their industry. ChatGPT is an example of what is possible when you combine Deep Learning with massive computing resources and gigantic amounts of data.”

ChatGPT in e-commerce

What are the main areas that artificial intelligence will impact for internet marketing and business? 

AI is having a massive impact on internet marketing and business. AI-driven insights can help marketers identify trends, target specific audiences and optimise campaigns. AI-driven chatbots can provide personalised customer service, while AI-driven analytics can help businesses better understand their customers and tailor their offers accordingly. AI can also automate time-consuming tasks such as data analysis, website optimisation and email marketing. AI-driven automation can help businesses save time and money while increasing efficiency and accuracy.

ChatGPT prompts

ChatGPT Prompts are a way to get chatbots’ help more efficiently. With ChatGPT Prompts, you can type in a question, and the chatbot will give you a list of answers to choose from. This can be a great help when you need help with a task and don’t have time to wait for a human to answer.

The ChatGPT prompts allow you to make the conversation with the chatbot as natural as possible. The chatbot will understand what you are asking it to do. Using a chatbot to interact with a customer service representative is beneficial.

How to write ChatGPT prompts for e-commerce?

There’s no denying that social media is an incredibly effective way to connect with potential customers. And while it’s easy to post about your latest sale or promotion, adding interesting chat prompts can increase engagement and lead to more sales.

Writing good chat prompts for e-commerce can be difficult, but it’s a breeze with some practice. Below are some tips that can help you write effective chat prompts:

Clear and precise

To write a good ChatGPT prompt for e-commerce, it is essential to be clear and specific. This means that you should use language that is easy to understand and unambiguous.

For example, avoid jargon or technical terms that your customer may need to be more familiar with. It is also important to be brief, so your stakeholders get the information they need quickly without going through much text.

Use natural language

When writing ChatGPT prompts for e-commerce, it is essential to use natural language. This means that you should use the same language that you would use in an everyday conversation, and this makes it easier for customers to understand and respond to your prompts.

It would be best if you used positive language in your ChatGPT prompts, which will encourage customers to take the action you want them to take. For example, instead of saying, “Don’t forget to enter your shipping information”, you could say, “Please enter your shipping information’.

Vary prompts 

If you want to keep your customers engaged in ChatGPT, using different prompts is indispensable; this helps keep the conversation going and prevents customers from getting bored.

Some examples of different types of prompts you can use are:

  • Ask customers about their day
  • Asking about their plans for the weekend
  • Talk about current events
  • Tell a funny story or joke
  • Ask for product recommendations

Remember that the goal is to keep the customer on ChatGPT, so they don’t click away. With different prompts, you can keep the conversation going and make ChatGPT an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Identify “Frequently Asked Questions

One of the most important things you can do as an e-commerce chatbot provider is to anticipate your customers’ most frequently asked questions (FAQ). You can programme your chatbot to give helpful and accurate answers.

Possible FAQ:

  • How much is the product?
  • What are the shipping options?
  • What is the return policy?

By programming your chatbot to anticipate and answer these questions, you can provide a valuable resource to your customers. Furthermore, you can also use ChatGPT queries to up-sell or cross-sell products. For example, suppose a customer asks about a specific product. In that case, ask them to consider similar products that might interest them.

Inform customers about sales and stock levels.

You can use a ChatGPT to inform customers about sales and stock levels. You can use a chatbot to notify customers when their order has been processed.

Personalisation of customer interactions

ChatGPT can be used to provide personalised responses to customer queries. For example, if a customer is interested in purchasing a particular product and wants to know if it is currently in stock, ChatGPT can generate a response with information about the availability of the product and estimated delivery date. Suppose a customer has a question about the delivery time. In that case, ChatGPT can generate a response with detailed information about the expected delivery date. ChatGPT can significantly improve the customer experience by providing timely and accurate answers to various queries.

Make customer service more efficient

ChatGPT can also support customer service requests, such as handling returns or exchanges. For example, suppose a customer asks how to return a product. In that case, ChatGPT can generate a response that describes the steps for returning the product, including any necessary documents or information.

Create product descriptions

ChatGPT can create compelling product descriptions highlighting a product’s unique selling points. For example, suppose a fashion retailer is introducing a new line of casual clothing. In that case, ChatGPT could create descriptions highlighting the clothing’s breathable, stretchy material, comfortable fit and trendy design. These descriptions inform customers about the technical aspects of the product, but also encourage them to buy it through engaging language and compelling storytelling.

Improve product recommendations

ChatGPT can generate personalised product recommendations for customers based on browsing and purchasing history. For example, suppose a customer has recently purchased a particular item of clothing. In that case, ChatGPT can generate recommendations for similar or complementary products that the customer may be interested in. This can increase customer loyalty and sales through personalised and relevant product recommendations.

Convey context

You need to provide context to write a good ChatGPT prompt for e-commerce. This means giving your chatbot a backstory or personality so that users can connect with it.

You should also provide detailed content in your prompt, so users know what to expect from the chatbot. Keeping ChatGPT prompts short and concise is also helpful for users to handle the situation.

Generating content for social media

ChatGPT can also be used to create engaging content for social media platforms. For example, when a company launches a new product, ChatGPT can create a promotional post that presents the key features and benefits of the product in a compelling and attention-grabbing way. This could be a catchy caption for a product photo or an entire post highlighting the product’s unique features. By using the power of ChatGPT, marketers can effectively promote their products and reach a broader audience on social media.

Test the prompts

It is important to test the ChatGPT prompts before implementing them on your e-commerce website. This will ensure that the prompts are effective and that customers can use the chatbot successfully.

To test the prompts, create a test account on your website and walk through the customer journey using the ChatGPT prompts. Make sure you try all the features of the chatbot, including adding items to the cart, completing a purchase and providing customer service. Once you have tested the ChatGPT prompts, you can implement them on your live website.

Be open to feedback

Be open to feedback if you want to write good ChatGPT prompts for e-commerce. Take the time to listen to your customers and adapt your ChatGPT accordingly.

Address their needs and concerns, and show you are willing to adapt to their feedback. This will indicate that you are trying to provide the best possible experience for your customers.

Dos and Don’ts when writing ChatGPT prompts for e-commerce

ChatGPT prompts are a promising way to get users to interact with your product. However, there are a few things to consider when creating ChatGPT prompts.

Dos: Be specific

When asking users to fill out a ChatGPT request, be as specific as possible. For example, if you ask them to rate a product, specify the product you want them to rate. If you ask them to choose between two products, indicate which one they prefer.

Dos: Keep dialogue simple

The goal of a ChatGPT prompt is to get users to interact with your product and keep the dialogue casual and relaxed.

Don’ts: Asking too many questions

When creating a ChatGPT prompt, ensure your questions are relevant to your product. Too many questions can be confusing and frustrating.

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