Newsroom, VAT | 17. January 2023

Lithuanian Government Announces VAT Rate Cuts 

To combat inflation and support various industries, the Lithuanian government has announced a series of cuts to the value-added tax (VAT) rates. These cuts will apply to a range of goods and services, including electronic books and publications, hospitality, sporting, and cultural services, accommodation, and food for special medicinal purposes. by

Electronic Books and Publications

The Lithuanian government has confirmed that from January 1, 2023, it will cut the value-added tax (VAT) rate applied to electronic books and publications from 21% to 9%.

Hospitality, Sporting, and Cultural Services

The VAT rate cut will also be extended to 9% from 21% on hospitality, sporting, and cultural services until December 31, 2023.


The VAT rate cut on accommodation will also be extended from 21% to 9% indefinitely.

Food for Special Medicinal Purposes

The VAT rate applied to food used for special medicinal purposes will be cut to 5%. This includes food specifically processed or formulated for the dietary management of patients to be used under medical supervision.


These cuts help fight inflation, which is currently at a record high in the country. In December 2022, it was at 21.7%.

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