eClear, Press | 19. October 2021

eClear and TPA Global announce partnership

eClear provides expertise to TPA Global clients on tax and customs matters and on the digital transformation of tax processes. by

Image PM eClear and TPA Global
Image PM eClear and TPA Global

eClear is now part of TPA Global’s worldwide and independent network of experts as a “VAT Technology Partner”. This network covers over 5,000 experts in more than 60 countries and is focussed on challenges corporates are faced with on the cross-roads between finance, tax and IT. For this purpose, TPA provides not only direct access to experts, but also training and events.

Through the partnership, TPA Global clients now also benefit from eClear solutions, which automate and simplify tax, customs and payment processes. As part of the cooperation, Annett Schaberich (in-house tax advisor and VP Tax Compliance), Andreas Weidner (Vice President Customs Compliance) and Roman Maria Koidl (Founder and CEO) offer their expertise on European VAT and customs matters as well as on the digital transformation of tax-related processes.

„We see eClear as the next generation tax agents. The VAT and customs smart technology solutions delivered by eClear perfectly fits the needs of TPA Global’s multinational clients.“

Steef Huibregtse – CEO of TPA Global

„TPA Global is proud to announce its technology partnership with eClear.“, comments Steef Huibregtse, CEO of TPA Global, on the cooperation. „We see eClear as the next generation tax agents. The VAT and customs smart technology solutions delivered by eClear perfectly fits the needs of TPA Global’s multinational clients.“

“TPA Global’s global network is a great way to make our services and offerings visible to a wide range of businesses and to share our expertise with the TPA Global clients,” adds Roman Maria Koidl, founder and CEO of eClear.

As part of the partnership, eClear will also be part of selected TPA Global events. In this year’s April, the two companies had already collaborated on the event “Getting towards an End-to-End Technology Solution on VAT for Europe”. At the event, eClear presented its VATRules product, the database for all EU-27 VAT rates and exemptions.

About TPA Global

TPA Global is an independent professional services and solutions partner serving clients globally through a network of members and alliance partners in over 60 countries. Its global network includes over 5,000 professionals, enabling it to provide scalable tax, legal and digital transformation solutions. TPA operates a compliance factory and assists with dispute resolution in legal matters. Its focus is challenges corporates are faced with on the cross-roads between finance, tax and IT. For more information, please visit:

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